Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pamela's first day as a BANE

Well my first full day as a BANE has been interesting.

It started on the night of February 19, with my friend Hawk trying to IM me because I had locked him in a cage at Deitide shortly before I was turned into a BANE. I was restrained at Darkstone, and my Custodian was offline, so the only thing I could think of was to send him a TP. I forgot that my Custodian has set a trap in front of me to prevent anyone from attempting to rescue me. Poor Hawk landed right in the trap (lol!). He didn't know what was going on, and didn't understand why I couldn't hear him, or speak or IM. I stayed online with him as long as I could, but had to log off after an hour. Hawk thanks for being such a good sport!

The next morning my Custodian gave me a full set of RR Shackles to wear, and set up all of the spy features so she could monitor my activities. Then she locked my arms behind my back and set the legirons to that I could sort of walk slowly. I never tried these shackles on before today, and I'm surprised how much I like them! Then she informed me that my banishment would last for at least 50 hours online time unless she detected "damage". Hmmm... damage? I started to wonder...

I spent the morning hobbling around Darkstone, investigating its different rooms and areas. I think Darkstone will be a great place for me to hide my kidnapping victims in the future. I spent about 2 hours silently watching strangers shopping in the store in the SIM adjacent to darkstone. I watched them from above, in the shadows, on a ledge of the castle. I watched different people and became interested in the differences between the male and female shopping patterns. The men all went straight to the sex-related products, while the women spent most of their time browsing for gestures and sounds. Most of the customers seemed to be European, a lot of Germans I think. I started to feel like a weird voyeur.

After a while I navigated (slowly, with difficulty) towards Deitide and Ally B's on the ground level. I ran into my first contact near Ally B's. It was a guy, and he appeared to be vanilla. He watched me hobble past him and sit on a park bench. Then he spent a few minutes watching me from a distance. I took this picture of him checking me out. Then he finally approached me and tried to chat with me. After a couple of futile exchanges of "..." he walked off.

Vanilla Guy watching me and probably wondering what is wrong with me.

Now I was really feeling very self-conscious. I felt the way I think I would feel if I were wandering around outside in RL like this. I decided I would avoid people for the rest of the day. I went closer to Ally B's, so I could listen to the music and watch people in the club from a distance. I stayed in the shadows. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, especially Ally and Deno, and some of my other friends who I sometimes meet there. I think I stayed near Ally B's because I am comfortable there. I guess I was feeling vulnerable, and weird again. I finally worked up the nerve to come out of the shadows and sit at a table in front of Ally B's, for a few minutes anyway. No one came by or saw me.

At the end of the day I started reading some other blogs again about Banes. I decided I needed to start my own blog, to record my own feelings and experiences as a Bane.

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